Q : I've just purchased an API key, is it possible to generate my labels in several batches or do I have to generate them all in a single shot ?
A : You should not generate all your labels in a single shot, because an error will force you to contact us to reset the counters. You should only generate what you really need at a given time, and don't hesitate to use the preview functionnality as often as you need, it's free.
Q : What is the difference between labels generated in preview mode and labels generated with the DEMO API key ?
A : Labels generated with the DEMO API key are working labels which respect your settings but are always the same. Labels generated in preview mode are barcode labels that all read as PREVIEW0, a string which is invalid within tape libraries. However their human readable content, as well as all your settings, are respected. Both types of labels are free, and can be used to calibrate your printer.
Q : I'm using the web form, but whenever I click on the Generate button nothing happens. What's wrong ?
A : Barcode Tape Labels have to obey to a particular specification. The most probable cause of nothing happening is an error in what you have typed into the web form's input fields, which would cause your labels to be out of this specification. Please read the web form's help, fix your input, and all will work as expected.
Q : I've printed my labels onto standard paper and cut them, now how do I stick them onto my tape cartridges ?
A : ABSOLUTELY NEVER print labels onto standard paper ! You should use adhesive paper, preferably the references listed in the list of available templates, because you will just have to peel them off of the adhesive paper sheets to stick them directly onto your tape cartridges. Some templates, included by popular demand (full page A4 and Letter, and Avery #5366), require manual cutting to fit in the cartridge's label recess, but all other templates only require peeling.
Q : I've used all my labels for calibration, are you crooks or what ?
A : You should not use your API key to do printer calibration. Use the DEMO API key, or leave the API key field empty in the web form. This is entirely Free and will generate calibration pages with all your preferences excepted your real labels. Please feel free to create such calibration pages at will, and only use your real API key when you're sure of the offsets to use with your printer.
Q : The labels are always the same no matter what I type, why ?
A : This is because you don't use your own API key. By default the DEMO API key is used, and a demonstration / calibration page is generated. This page allows you to calibrate printing with your particular printer and to measure the optional offsets to use to properly align printing with the label template of your choice. You must subscribe to this web service to be allowed to generate your own labels.
Q : The labels don't print as expected despite me having the correct templates, can you fix this problem ?
A : Step Two is to play with the offsets until they are correct for the bottom left label. Now the important part is of course Step One : when printing with Adobe Acrobat Reader or another application, set Page Scaling to None. Problem fixed.
Q : I'd like to try the Command Line Interface before subscribing, is this possible ?
Q : I'd like to write my own client in a different language, how can I do this ?
A : You can do this easily from any language that supports XML-RPC. Most languages, if not all, do, sometimes with the help of a third party library. Then you must write your client so that it correctly calls the public methods of our XML-RPC API, which are documented here. During the testing phase, use "DEMO" as the API key. Our server supports introspection, as you can see with this very minimal client that has been used to generate the API's documentation.
Q : Could you give me the source code ?
A : The source code to our XML-RPC server is not available anymore (it was given to a few people in the distant past), but our Command Line Interface is Free Software, licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.
Q : Do you offer an offline release ?
A : Not anymore.
Q : Could you add template ABC123 from Unknown Obscure Company ?
A : If you can send to us the complete specification and dimensions for this template, then yes we can !
Q : I've paid through PayPal but I need an invoice !
A : Just ask, but don't forget to send your API key in your message.
Q : I can't pay through PayPal, isn't there any other option ?
A : Of course ! While PayPal currently is our only credit card processing method, you can also ask us for an invoice and our banking account details, and then you'll be able to ask your bank to transfer the funds directly to our bank account without PayPal being involved. Invoices shall be paid before 45 days. IMPORTANT : the invoice will contain an additional 12.32 EURO bank fee, for our bank to accept foreign transfers.